Friday, October 31, 2008

Wow.... how time flies

So... i decided that i should get on the ball and put some pictures of my life at BYU and after the mission. Let me just say i have learned a lot and am finding myself again. I appreciate the help from my friends and family. With a special note for those of my 16th ward. Here are just some of the pictures from my life the last couple of weeks. from bottom to top

Root beer shot glass competition (thats jason, my next door neighbor)

Halloween Costumes and Parties (Kristina made both of those costumes)

Guitar hero and DDR nights oh yeah, Rock out stew

and my life being taken over by Texas!

Cookies !!!!

So last week we had a special elders quorum service project that i was over. So we had a great activity making cookies for the lovely ladies of our ward.... We got a lot of weird looks when we brought them around to the girl's apartments. and yes they were quite scrumptious even though they were made by a bunch of boys.

To sum it up.... Our Elders Quorum Rocks!!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


So Tuesday night i found two new best friends. Bryan and Stuart from my ward volunteered to do something with me because i was feeling down. and man did we do something. Ken joined us in an epic clash of economic power in a grueling game of settlers. It came down to the wire but I was able to come out on top. "SHEEP!!!!!!!" was often heard being shouted at about 11 o clock. and the sheep got me through. go ports! so if anyone is game for a game of settlers. Thursday night is our next scheduled meeting! -pcox