Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Love of a Mother

Have you ever felt that you would never smile completely sincere again. Have ever felt that you entire being is shaken by one event. When you thought that you had come to a plateau after a long fall only to find that the surface you were standing on was not as firm as you thought. I'm sure most of you could answer yes to those questions. I guess it comes when change is necessary. When your dreams, you find, are not as real as they seamed. But the realization hurts. The humbling hurts. The sheer fact that you have to get up and face the reality that is today and not the dream that was yesterday hurts.
So, what do you do?

There is no words that can quell the constant burn inside. No instant solution. One must continue on in their daily life living as it were in the nightmarish daydream. And eventually, the pain will ease. the hurt will be forgotten, or at least buried in a shallow grave. There is no cure for the broken heart, in whatever circumstances that the tear might happen. On my mission I experienced this. And after my experiences, I thought that I could weather broken dreams with a more relative ease. Yet Life has a way of taking what you thought you had learned and putting it back in your face for reexamination. And i have found myself facing exactly that.
But I am not alone. I count myself in good company. Humanity as a whole experiences these hard times. And it is truly touching when one of those souls connects with another to share their pain. Not to counsel, not to criticize, and not to point out how their better off now. But just to hold the person in their arms and cry with them. I am thankful for a Mother with a full heart and understanding mind. She is my Hero. I only wish i can do for others what she has done for me today.... P.cox

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