Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sunday has Come!

So this last week had been a very hard one. (if you couldn't tell by my last post) Yet Heavenly father is amazing at knowing when things are going to happen and the exact moment we need help. Teaching at the MTC has been a soul saving activity this week. Those missionaries are amazing and have power to teach. The title i chose for this post refers to a talk by Elder Wirthlin of the Twelve. It is one of my favorites. This week has been a reawakening for me. a coming to myself if you will. I feel like i have found part of myself that i had lost and could not find for quite sometime. It is quite refreshing to be back. Sometimes hard times are the only way to bring these occurances to pass. As Elder Holland says, we all must spend a couple minutes in gethsemanie, we all must walk a couple steps up the hill of calvary. But these experiences, if taken in a humble way are what can bring us down to our knees so that we can experience this change. So when things get ruff, do what you know you should do. the small things. Don't get angry or frustrated. Just look for God's will in all things. Because Sunday will come, no matter how dark our Fridays, Sunday will come!

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