Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Big Band Dance!

This last Saturday (Feb 7) was the annual Big Band Dance. If you don’t know what the Big Band Dance is, it is a BYU Catered dinner where Synthesis (BYU’s Jazz Band) plays live music at a 40s style Dance. While the dance takes you back to the Forties, honoring those who fought in the second world war, it took me and my date back 3 years ago. Yes this date had been in the making since three years ago freshman year.
I guess a little history is due so to bring the uninformed reader up to date. Special mention should be made of Kim Jensen who first mentioned the Big Band Dance to me as a suggestion for a date instead of going to a basketball game. To quote her, “You should take someone to the dance…. You should take Alana (with a big smile)… I like Alana” So that settled it. I brought it up to Alana, who had to consider it, (I often wonder what there was to consider… basketball vs. dance) and then said she would be thrilled to go. So with little idea of what was in store we fancied up and went out for a night of music and dancing. Little did I know that I would run into my recently married cousin at the dance, and that my parents had decided to go as well, (luckily my mom made my dad sit on the opposite side of the room, so as not to create an awkward situation.) Dinner was chicken cordon bleu and Synthesis was amazing and we danced the night away. As the night came to a close I should have known what I was getting myself into. If you give a mouse a cookie… or in this case if you take a girl to a dance: She is going to want to go again!
Fast forward 3 years later and the expectations were finally fulfilled. The dinner was once again Chicken Cordon Bleu, and this time we were sit only a table away from my parents, but once again we danced the night away until we were to tired to dance more. Alana was stunning in her springy colorful dress! (as she described it: “it twirls!) Thanks go out to Roxy for an amazing job doing hair, (no, not mine) though I do claim she had a great subject to work on.


Anonymous said...

AHh the good ol days of Swing Dancing!! :D LOL! School Dances just weren't the same with out you! :D LOL!
Prom was the BEST! :D LOL!
I'm glad you have found a new partner!

Roxy said...

Thanks for the shout out! :) You guys look GREAT!